

The power of resilience!
Kuldeepak Banda/ May03,2021

A journey so beautiful, The destination always known, As I walk with each step, Life transcends into the unknown...

People before, people along, Some come to join, While some leave and go, But life goes on and I go with the flow...

Future is an enigma, That life often unravels, Always looking forward, I thought it would be a fun filled travel...

Something suddenly comes up, Totally unprecedented, Ominous clouds engulf, Alas, the Sun in 2020 forgets to show up...

Slowly, in life that was standing still, The way starts to clear up, As the 21st Sun starts to shine, I thought I would soon be over the hill...

Like it is said, The ides of March have come but not goneย , The monster makes its inroads, Humanity in trepidation, stands at a crossroad...

Come April and there is pain all around, The end looming large, People loosing thy near and dear ones, Mankind so helpless, life almost foregone...

Devastation all around, An unseen menace wreaking havoc, There seems no way, To turn the contagion around....

Everyone fraught with fear, Humanity locked up in quarentine, Not knowing when one's turn would come, And thy near would burst into tears...

Negativity all around, As fear and pain deluged mankind, In such times, the tough got going, Angels at service, they are the heroes of our time...

Afraid they must be, But the daredevils held the ground, Treating and guiding, They brought order in chaos that was all around....

It kindled a spark in me, And so should it in you, And we must lend a hand of kindness, While we keep the alive the flame of hope...

May God be kind and show us the way forward!

Kb, May 3rd, 2021. 1.34 AM ยฉ KarBons ยฎ

11 Replies to “The power of resilience!”

  1. Life takes turns every day, sometimes to crest and sometimes to troughs but we can’t stop, have to keep moving be it alone or be it with caravan

  2. You have very nicely explained journey of life
    Beautiful pic clicked by you
    Great ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  3. Very nicely explained the present time
    God is testing humans again and again. Our positivity will surely overcome it ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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